Dato og tid
Søndag d. 7. august 2016 kl. 14:00 til lørdag d. 13. august 2016 kl. 14:00
Fredag d. 1. juli 2016 kl. 12:00
Castberggård ,
Østerskovvej 1, Urlev,
8722 Hedensted
Østerskovvej 1, Urlev
8722 Hedensted
Summer camp 2016! From 7th to 13th of August, the youth department of The Danish Association of the Hard of Hearing, the International Federation of Hard of Hearing Young People, and the Danish folk high school Castberggård will be hosting an international SUMMER CAMP for 100 hard of hearing young people from around the world!
Castberggård will be welcoming participants in the most beautiful natural scenery and provide the perfect spot for an amazing summer camp. During the week, we will challenge you with academical, physical, and social activities, which will inspire networking, exchanges of experiences, and fruitful discussions amongst the participants. And of course, this will be an experience for life!
The project is run by seven young people who are looking forward to see you all in August!
To check how much you have to pay, please see this link for countries and economies.
If you have problems with your payment/registration, please send us an email at
For changing the language - see the top right corner.
Årets ungdomslejr går internationalt! I dagene den 7.-13. august 2016 holder Høreforeningens ungdomsudvalg, Castberggård, International Federation of Hard Hearing Young People (IFHOHYP) et brag af en SUMMERPCAMP for 100 unge fra hele verden!
Castberggård byder velkommen i de naturskønne omgivelser og skaber rammerne for en fantastisk sommerlejr, der vil byde på faglige, fysiske og sociale aktiviteter, som har til formål at skabe rammerne for øget hørefaglig viden, netværk og erfaringsudveksling blandt deltagerne og ikke mindst give dem en oplevelse for livet.
Projektet drives af syv unge mennesker, som alle glæder sig til at se jer!
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