Frontrunners+ autumn 2023
Dato og tid
Fredag d. 27. oktober 2023 kl. 17:00 til fredag d. 3. november 2023 kl. 11:00
Onsdag d. 18. oktober 2023 kl. 23:55
Castberggård ,
Østerskovvej 1, Urlev,
8722 Hedensted
Østerskovvej 1, Urlev
8722 Hedensted
Frontrunners+ autumn 2023
Are you one of those people who would have wished to participate in Frontrunners when you were young? Are you now over 35 and want to taste the Frontrunners adventure? Grab the opportunity!
We offer a stay of 7 nights and 8 days in Castberggård, where you will have the opportunity to have different lecturers on deaf-related topics, teamwork, and leadership skills.
What does the price include? Accommodation for 7 nights, transportation from Hedensted station to Castberggård, meals and snacks throughout the stay, lessons / workshops with Frontrunners teachers, guest teacher, a day trip, activities, unlimited access to the fitness room and outdoor facilities.
500€ for the whole stay
It's possible to pay half the price when signing up and the rest of the payment by June 2023. (we will email you about this)
Cancellation rules:
You can cancel your registration up to 4 weeks
before (September 29, 2023) and get the full
amount refunded.
Up to 2 weeks before (October 13, 2023) you
can cancel and get 50% refund.
After October 13, 2023, you will not
receive a refund.
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Kontaktinformation til arrangør
Tlf: +45 75687900
Kontaktinformation til arrangør
Tlf: +45 75687900